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Ekvn-Yefolecvlket owēyat yv ekvnv likan, pum vculvke tate omvlkvt tak-vpokvtes. Wacenv yvmvn yihcet estecatvlke vpokvten hvsaklatkv-fvccvn vpeyecicakvtes. Montowisen ekvnv tis, pum oponvkv tis, pun fulletv tis vcayeckv vrahkv resyicepeyvtet os.
Ekvn-Yefolecv (ee-gun yee-full-lee-juh) is an intentional ecovillage community of Indigenous Maskoke persons who, after 180 years of having been forcibly removed from traditional homelands - in what is commonly/colonially known as Alabama - have returned for the purpose of practicing linguistic, cultural and ecological sustainability.

What We Do
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